Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Life bites

Today-this saying has rang so true. We are on leave. We left El Paso Saturday morning at midnight. We arrived in Virginia around 7 am Sunday Morning. Yes, we drove straight through-never again. We just wanted to get home and I was so excited to be finally be home.

Monday and Tuesday have been amazing. Rob and I refused to let anything come in our way of enjoying our leave and enjoying time as a family. We promised each other that there would be no regrets and we would love each like we have never loved each other. It's been perfect. It almost feels like we are dating again. He is opening doors for me, rubbing my back, holding my hand and we are just so happy together as a family. No stress from the Army, no stress at all. Just Rob, the boys and me. It's how it should be.

Well, today was good until I woke up and got a call. Got a call that delievered some bad news about his deployment. He is not leaving when we thought and I am just upset. I had just spent the past two months preparing myself for him to leave. I was ready. I was prepared. I was emotionally ready. All our paperwork was done, bags were packed and car parts replaced before we went on leave. It was all good. Now, it's changed. :( I am not prepared. I feel it's too soon. I do not know how exactly to prepare myself for this.

I had these plans and now, they have all changed. I mean, it doesn't really surprise me because it is the Army, it's what they do. Right? They change things around. Dates and times will constantly change until the plane is in the air. I shouldn't be soo freaking shocked like I am.

I cannot allow myself to ruin any more leave. I had today and have about one more hour left. After that, all deployment talk is to cease. No deployment talk, no Army talk, nothing. We hit a bump in the road today and I feel like it's been handled well. I didn't let it ruin all day today. I had my little upset moments, but nothing that would cause me to ruin the day. I have to remain positive. This is my last chance to make memories with Rob AND the kids for a whole year. This is my last chance to make sure that Robert has the relaxation that he needs before he goes to a stressful job overseas. I need to make sure that he leaves knowing that I have everything under control. I have to do this for not only myself, but for Robert and the boys.

So, as I type this, I am releasing whatever emotions that I have left. I am enjoying a cup of Chai latte and watching Law and Order: Criminal Intent. The boys are sleeping and Rob just laid down so he will be out shortly. As, I reflect on my life, I am so blessed to have an amazing husband, two amazing little boys and a wonderful house. I have amazing family and friends. What more could a girl ask for?

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