Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Adopted-Second Chance at life

A lot of people do not know this, but I am adopted. I was adopted at 17 months old. My biological parents were abusive and my older sister died of injuries that they caused. I was taken from that home and placed in another. 

I was then moved to another foster home and my foster parents ( my mom and dad) fought hard to keep me forever. My mom went to the governor to plead the case and they won after much fighting. People were fighting alongside my parents.  A reporter went to jail to protect his source and in the end protect me. I was finally adopted and became a Diggins. 

23 years later,I am married, have two amazing boys, I am living as an Army Wife and life is great. I couldn't ask for a better life. I am enrolled into school, and I have a bright future. My husband is the most amazing husband in the world. He truly is my best friend and my soul mate. 

There are times that I think to myself, what if I never got adopted. Where would I be, what would I be doing? I would have never been given the chance to go to Ridgeview Christian School, I would not have been brought up in a loving home with amazing sisters and parents. I would not have met my best friends that I have. I would have never met Robert nor would I have given birth to my two sweet little boys. 

It actually scares me to think of my life without being adopted. I have seen where I would have been living and now I just think about my life. Would I have been a teen mom? Would I been a high school drop out? Would I be addicted to drugs?  Questions like these run through my head. I am so grateful that I was given a second chance at life. I was given a second chance to live the life God wanted me to do :)

I have already told Robert, I want to adopt.I want to give another kid the chance I was given. I have also told him that when we do adopt, I want to adopt a child with special needs. Everyone needs to be given that second chance, specially children with special needs. They are not handicapped, they just need extra love, attention and a lot more patience. They are the most misunderstood people. They can do the same things we do, but they just do it differently. 

I want to adopt a baby with Downs. They are so special and they are the most misunderstood. They give people soo much joy and everything they do, they do it with a smile. It pains me to think of how many downs babies that have been aborted because the parents did not want the extra responsibility. They are not a burden, they are a blessing. 

I want to be given the great opportunity to be blessed with having a special needs child. I want the chance to make them realize that they are not the burden that society says they are. I want to make sure they know how special they truly are. God made everyone in HIS own image, this includes special needs. I believe that God put extra love into them. 

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