Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Well, Robert told me last night to start mapping out our route to Virginia. He is going to start working on his leave packet for leave. I am super excited!!! I haven't seen my family since July and I am so excited to get away from the stress and all the annoyance that is here at Fort Bliss.

So, I start making the list of things that need to be done before leave. One of those things is to plan our route from El Paso to Verona. *Sigh* 1821.09 miles/27.9 hours of driving with two kids. Can you say that I am just soo excited to do it? I cannot wait!!! :)

I am so excited to finally get back home and relax. Robert and I have a 2 day get away that I have planned for us in Williamsburg. We are going to be staying at a Bed & Breakfast and go shopping and visit Ripley's Believe It or Not. :) Romantic dinner and walks along downtown Williamsburg. Did I mention that it will just be the two of us? Something that we have never done in our 3 years of marriage. We didn't even have a honeymoon. We got married and he went to work the next day. We've had Bobby and Jayden so we have never got to go away.

Anyways, back to my list. I was making a list of everything that needs to be done before we leave and I asked Rob what he needed done. He told me that he needs to assemble all his gear and pack his deployment bags. Talk about the joy kill. In all  my excitement, I totally forgot that as soon as he gets back, he will deploy. Jeez... MOOD KILL!!!

This trip is bittersweet. I am soo excited to get away from everything here and get back to see family. I am glad that I will spend Thanksgiving with Family and I get to see all my friends back home. Yet, it's sad because I will be returning from a fantastic vacation to send my husband away. *Sigh*. You know what that means? I just have to make sure that this vacation is the best EVER!! I have to make sure that Bobby has wonderful memories and I have wonderful memories. I will take lots of pictures and not take anything for granted. We are fastly approaching this deployment and the closer it is, the more I am determined to just make every single second count.

I refuse to dwell on the negative. I take this as, yeah he is leaving as soon as we get back, but I will just make it so much more worth it. I love my husband and I want him deploying with happy/fond memories that we made while on leave. Not just memories that him and I will make, but memories as a family. We are not just a married couple, we are a family. :) We have to make sure that our memories include our family because when it comes down to it, the one who will need those memories the most, is Bobby.

So, instead of focusing on deployment, I shall make it a point not to even bring it up. A rule that I will make is that while we are back in Virginia on leave, I will not bring up deployment unless it is necessary. Let's make this the best vacation EVER :)

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