Saturday, May 14, 2011


So, my problem lately is that Rob has been and will be spending a lot of time in the field. I knew it was happening and I knew it would happen with the upcoming deployment. Even though I knew about it, it still sucks that he is gone. The last field time that we just got through was not bad at all. It was actually very easy and went by super fast. I was soo pleased with it and even Rob said that it went by super fast.

I have decided that I am going to spend the times that he is in the field making stuff for his deployment. I want to make sure that he goes off with some things (homemade) that will be from home and I want to make sure that the kids have things here that will be a reminder of him. Yet, everything I want will cost us a lot of money. So, I got it into my head that I would make what I want with an exception of a few things that I KNOW I can't do. I am starting to plan out fun things for the kids to do while Rob is gone to pass by the time.

One thing I am doing is having daddy kisses and a sign. Every morning, we will change the number on the sign that says "_____ days until Daddy comes home" and every night, Bobby (Jay will be too small) will get a hershey kiss from daddy. I will count the days that Rob is gone and buy that many kisses. I will then put them in a jar and at bedtime, he will get one kiss. That way, it is something special and another fun way to count down the days. Another thing we have is a recordable book. Rob is going to record himself reading it and every night, we are going to read it until he comes home.

We are also going to take a pic of Rob in uniform and I will make a poster for Bobby that will be his height. That way he can see daddy every day and be reminded that his daddy is doing great things. I have so many ideas that I don't know if I can do them all. I really hope I can, but we shall see. I have a lot of alone time that I must fill up with something and shopping for fun is out of the question since it's not that enjoyable by myself with two kids. So, I am going to have to occupy my time with projects at home. This should be fun.

I also plan on getting a sewing machine and I am going to sew some things. That will be something that will take a lot of getting used to because I have no idea how to sew and really really wish I did. I want to make a deployment quilt for Rob to take with him. Just don't know how yet. Oh gosh, this is all sooo overwhelming. I have a little over six months to do all this. Hmm...I really really hope I am not setting myself up for failure.

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