Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Project: Cooking

I have recently rewatched a favorite movie of mine, Julie & Julia. It got me thinking. Rob deploys for one year and I can cook through one year of recipes. I love cooking, yet I stay to the same recipes because I do not want to risk cooking something that I may not like. I feel like it is a waste of time. 

 But, if I were to hone in on my cooking skills while he is deployed, only Bobby and I would be eating it and Bobby eats anything. Plus, when Rob does return from deployment, I will have a wealth of new recipes for him to try and he won't have to suffer through the bad ones. He will only get to taste the good ones. 

I think that it will be a fun project for me to do while Rob is deployed. I think that maybe it will keep my mind off of everything and I will look forward to dinner every night (well, maybe). I just hope that I can find a cook book from someone I love. I actually think that I have a Rachel Ray cook book that has 365 recipes in it. Rachel Ray is always a safe bet because she is one of my favorite cooks. I am so excited. The only problem is that the recipes that deal with seafood will be skipped. Neither Rob and I are fond of seafood. There is no point in cooking that if neither one of us are going to eat it. I can blog about it too here. 

This all sounds very fun. From what I hear, the key is to keep yourself busy and to set a good routine. That would be a great routine. I have a meeting tomorrow to see if I can volunteer for the Red Cross here on post and then come home and cook a wonderful/new recipe. Sounds like a great routine for me. I am trying to keep myself as busy as I possibly can and I think that this will help. 

I cannot wait for Robert to get home so I can tell him my plan. All these ideas are coming to my head. I just hope that he agrees to let me do it. It should be very exciting. He probably will just because he loves when I cook and he will benefit greatly from it. So, I guess I shall sign off and start planning it because I have to start it in a few days. :) 

As bad as this sounds, this also gives me something to look forward to. I mean, I am able to have something that will be exciting when he leaves. :) So, let's get started cooking. Hope everyone is ready for this journey, because I know that I am. :) 

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