Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Pregnancy Emotions SUCK

Can I just say that pregnancy emotions truly suck??? I got in the car last night to make a late night run to the Shopette to get some diapers (since I forgot to get them when the Commissary was open). I looked at the seat next to me, and Robert's packing list for the field was sitting there. I burst into tears knowing that he would be gone for two weeks straight (as of right now). This is second time in the field and I should be used to him going into the field, or at least I better since he will be going out a lot to prepare for his deployment. Yet, for some odd reason, the stupid piece of paper sent me into tears. I had to collect myself and go into the store to get what I needed.

Tonight, Robert informed me that he had bag inspection tomorrow, so he needed to pack all his stuff so that he can have it all ready to lay out. I automatically started stressing out because I needed to wash his PTs, ACUs and his socks (you don't understand how bad these things stink). I was planning on doing wash tomorrow and now all the sudden he needs these things for inspection tomorrow. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?!?! He told me to calm down and probably thought I was crazy for stressing about such a dumb, little thing. He just need them for inspection and then I can wash them and make sure he has fresh ones for the field since he won't be able to wash them for two weeks.

Why are the littlest things affecting me in such a big way? I mean come on, I need to be this strong Army wife and yet the field packing list breaks me down. I feel so pathetic. I mean, it makes NOOO sense to me. Usually, I just don't really get why pregnancy hormones suck so bad. They need to figure out some way to curve them and make them easy to deal with. I really hate them and despise them. I guess I am not supposed to hate, but I strongly dislike them.

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