Thursday, March 3, 2011


One more day and Rob will be home for two whole days. No interruptions, no duty, nothing. I am so excited, it's been a long two weeks. Today is filled with all the last minute details that I need to get done before tomorrow. Bobby has a physical at 1:45 and I know that it will take FOREVER. So, I have to get everything done between now and 1:45 tomorrow. Who knows when Rob will be released tomorrow. Last field time, he wasn't released until almost midnight. I am hoping that thanks to new rules, that will not happen tomorrow.

I don't know who is more excited, Rob, Bobby or me. I know that Rob probably is. He has been in the dirt for two weeks and the only two showers he has gotten have been quick showers here. I know he is looking forward to finally being able to come take a HOT-LONG shower with no rushing, no deadlines to meet. I know he is looking forward to a good home cooked meal. I plan on making one of his favorites, Stroganoff with corn. I love it because it has to cook all day in the crock pot, so the whole house will smell delicious whenever he arrives home. I'm also making this cake that sounds delicious. Hoping it all comes together.

Yet, with all this planning, I have to keep in mind, that he may not be released until late. That's the sucky part of field time. The waiting for them to be released, specially since his battery is like 5 mins up the road. I had someone bring him home last time, since it was close to midnight, but I think that this time, Bobby and I will pick him up no matter the time. Who knows, he may be back at a decent time this time. I highly doubt it, but you never know. We still haven't received an estimate time. I say estimate, because they tell you what time they will be released, but they usually aren't released by that time. Last time, Rob told me he would be home by 5 pm, but it didn't happen. That was my first field time. I was so upset because I had spent all day making this soup, cookies, cake and cleaning. I spent so much time making sure everything was perfect for him, and he called saying he didn't know when he would be home. :( This time, I know what to expect. I know that if they say 5 pm, it may not be until 7 pm or even 1 am the next day. Who knows.

Even though I don't know when he will be home, I don't really care. He is coming home and that's all that matters to me. I am so excited to have him back. The house is always a bit calmer when he is home. I know that I have back up and Bobby knows that his daddy is home. Even when he comes home for the short showers, the house is calm for that hour or so. I am looking forward to having a calm house once again. It's been a while. :)

I am so glad that today I will be swamped. The day before and the day they come back is the worst with time going by slow. I am a tad bit worried about tomorrow though. I mean, I will have everything done and ready by Bobby's physical and then after that, I will just be at home waiting for him to call and tell me to pick him up. :( That's going to be torture. I am going to have to come up with a little project to do tomorrow while I wait. A project that will not take forever, make a huge mess and will take just enough time. HMMM... I am going to have to think about this one. :)

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