Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Where has time gone?

Yesterday marked our first year in the Army. It seems like just yesterday I was saying good bye to him at Ft Lee after he took his final oath. It's crazy to think that time has flown by so fast. I can't believe that we have been able to adapt to this crazy life and that we still have each other.

Military marriage is not easy. Marriage is not easy, period. Yet, military marriage is even harder. You can't have your husband as much as you want. You can only have him when the Army says so. Even so, you dread hearing his phone ring on the weekends, thinking that he is going to be called in for a class, CQ, or whatever else they need. When his phone rings, my heart sinks. The weekends are pretty much all that we have and sometimes even that is taken away. Yet, we will be celebrating our third year marriage anniversary this September. Three years???? JEEZ. Bobby will be turning 2 this year, we will be adding to our family.

For once in my life, I am comfortable in how my life is going. I know that soon, I am going to face a test of the lifetime, but right now, I am enjoying my time with my precious little family. Being married to a soldier makes you realize to cherish whatever time you have with your man. Last Saturday, Rob was able to come home for an hour or so to take a shower. I cherished seeing him for just that hour. It was only an hour and I wished that his phone would ring and they would tell him he had longer, but it didn't happen. He got in the shower with Bobby, put bobby to bed, and we sat on the couch and snuggled for the what little time we had left. Those are the memories that we learn to make in such short time.

Rob and I have changed a lot in the last year. We thought we grew up when we had Bobby, yet we have grown up even more. I actually like cooking and cleaning. Well, okay, cleaning not so much, but I cooking is my new passion. I can't wait until Rob comes home from the field this Friday. I am going to make him the best dinner EVER. He is going to have a feast and he is going to be able to relax and enjoy his time home before he starts another work week on Monday. We even have a date on Saturday night. A date? What is that?

I am pretty amazed how much the first year flew by. I know that we are making a career out of this and I know that I have many many years left. Yet, I don't mind one bit. I love this hectic and crazy life. I love being married to a soldier and even when things are awful, I could not imagine doing anything else. Our first duty station is not what we wanted. We dislike this place with such a passion (even if it's somewhat growing on me). We cannot wait to be able to PCS to somewhere different and hopefully better. Yet, even though we are stationed somewhere we don't like, we do have some trouble with the unit he is in, I never question our decision. I know that some people did and some people even doubted that we would make it, but here we are, a year later. So, you know what I have to say to that? HOOAH!!!

So, as we start our second year in the military, it's going to be a lonely one. We are going to have to relearn how to live with out each other for another year, and then relearn how to live with each other. We are going to have to overcome some difficulties and some challenges. Yet, we have done made it this far, there is nothing stopping us is making it through the rest of what the Army deals us. Every day, I grow more and more proud of him and so proud of who he is becoming. He is well on his way to become an NCO and then later, an officer. He shows great qualities to be a leader and even his leaders see that. I can't wait to see what else is in store for us.

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